Barley Fungicide Seed Dressing

May 26, 2020

How does theefficacy of Uniform + Vibrance, Systiva and Evergol Energy compare withFlutriafol against various foliar and root disease.

Dumbleyung, WA, 2018


This trial was established near Dumbleyung, WesternAustralia to compare and demonstrate to the David Gray’s extended network, theefficacy of Systiva, Evergol Energy and Uniform + Vibrance compared with theregional standard - Flutriafol.  

In this trial Sparatcus barley was sown on the 21stof May onto manually spread and infected barley straw. The Impact & Uniformtreatments were applied in furrow while Evergol Energy & Systiva wereapplied as a seed treatment.

Due to seasonal conditions disease pressure was relativelylow however with spot and net form of blotch infection present. In the earlygrowth stages Systiva and Evergol Energy performed superior to all othertreatments with Uniform + Vibrancecatching up later. Evergol Energy seemed tolose activity early on compared with the Systiva and Uniform + Vibrancetreatments which were comparable in longevity. The flutriafol treatment was noteffective on spot and net form of blotch.


Treatment List

Experimental Design

Site, Crop and Application Details

Assessment Methods

Data Analysis

All data analysis in this report was conducted using Microsoft Excel. Simple means, analysis of variance and the student t-test were used to determine statistical significance using the least significant difference method with a 95% confidence interval.


Establishment counts

The number of plants in 5x0.5m of row were counted for each plot. Below is the conversion to plant/m2. With an LSD of 74 plants/m2 there is no significant difference between any treatments.

Figure 1: Plant counts at 28 DAT. LSD = 74 plants/m2

Infection Ratings (Top 3 leaves at each assessment date)

Figure 2: Averaged infection of the top 3 leaves at each assessment date.


Figure 3: Average yield Vs. seasonal average levels of infection. LSD = 460 Kg/Ha

With an LSD of 460 Kg/Ha there is no statistical difference,however these results mimic what we have seen in 2017 and in Tincurrin. BothUniform + Vibrance and Systiva have provided healthy ROI’s of $93 and $60respectively. Evergol Energy has very little foliar activity, hence theresponse seen here will be as a result of root disease with Systiva and Uniform+ Vibrance offering the additional control of Spot and Net form of Net Blotch.This is indicated in the product pricing. Evergol Energy + a foliar applicationof Prosaro will cost similar to Systiva or Uniform + Vibrance standalone.Hence, although we are comparing these products, they are not apples forapples, but offer the grower options with varying levels upfront of riskmanagement. A well-timed application of Prosaro on top of Evergol Energy wouldlikely result in a similar response shown with Systiva and Uniform + Vibrance. 

Grain Analysis

With an LSD of 0.84 for the protein readings, there is no statistical difference in treatments. However, the top two yielding treatments have also got the highest numerical protein readings.


In this trial, there were relatively low levels of disease,however were able to evaluate healthy responses. Some take home points:

  • If deciding to grow a barely variety that issusceptible to Spot and Net form of Net blotch, both Systiva and Unform +Vibrance will offer excellent control and ROI.
  • If you are growing barley in an area with highlyvariable rainfall, Evergol Energy offers great control of various root diseasewith less upfront cost. Allowing the application of foliar fungicides if theseason swings in a positive direction.
  • Suited to paddocks/farms with tight rotations.


Site Rainfall


** Note the larger heads in the Uniform treatment.

See below Dropbox link to photos and videos at each assessment date:

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