Bio-Forge Canola Post (Large Scale) Trial

May 26, 2020

Investigation of an application of Stollers Bio-Forge on a drought stressed Canola crop.

Dongolocking, WA, 2017


This trial was established on a farm near Dongolocking,Western Australia. The purpose of the trial was to investigate the efficacy ofStollers stress relieving product Bio-Forge on a drought stressed Canola crop.

The trial was sprayed on the 7th of July 2017onto Stingray canola at 4-6 leaf.


Trial Layout

Experimental Design

 Design:    Commercial Demonstration    Replications:    2    Plot length:    200m    Plot Width:    12m  

Assessment Methods

 Assessment Date:    Assessment    20/11/2017    Yield  

Data Analysis

All data analysis in this report was conducted usingMicrosoft Excel. Simple means, analysis of variance and the student t-test wereused to determine statistical significance using the least significantdifference method with a 95% confidence interval.

Yield Results


Figure one below shows a yield gain of 60 Kg/Ha. Using the least significant difference method (LSD = 136 Kg) the yield gain is statistically non-significant.  Doing a basic ROI analysis on the numerical yield gain, not taking into account a boom spray operation the return on investment by spraying 500 mL/Ha of Bio-Forge is $36/Ha).

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