ClearStart Trial

May 26, 2020

Assessing ClearStart 22KZ as an efficient liquid P & K starter fertiliser and comparing it with a traditional source of P.

Dumbleyung, WA, 2017


This trial was established near Dumbleyung in WesternAustralia on 18th of May 2017 to demonstrate the phosphorousefficiency of Stoller’s liquid starter fertiliser ClearStart 22KZ. Thephosphorous in Clearstart is in the orthophosphate form which is immediatelyavailable for uptake by plant roots. With a ~3 times efficiency. We have placed3.3 units of P from ClearStart in-furrow (with the seed) vs. 11.4 units of Pfrom Agstar Extra deep banded.

Stoller Clearstart is a unique liquid phosphorous andpotassium formulation, unlike some cloudy liquid products that still contain somesuspended solids, holding the unavailable element within. Clearstart ismanufactured using a complex of phosphorous, potassium, zinc molybdenum andcobalt. This formulation is acid and can be applied in-furrow which helpscreate the environment needed around the roots to help plants access labile andnonlabile forms of phosphorous as well as other elements often tied up in thesoil.

Clearstart is a starter fertiliser which will “pop” theseedlings out of the ground especially during dry conditions at seeding,providing an early source of orthophosphate and zinc for root growth.



  • Stoller’s CleartStart 22KZ
  • 1.8% N, 22% P, 7.5% Potassium, 1% Zinc, 0.07% Cobalt, 0.07% Molybdenum.
  • Stoller’s MicroMix
  • 4% Zn (Zinc Sulphate), 3% Mn (Manganese Sulphate), 1% Cu (Copper Sulphate), 4.5% Sulphur.

Treatment List

 Tmt No.    Product    Rate (L or Kg/Ha)    1    Agstar Extra     80    2    Agstar extra + MicroMix    80 + 3    3    ClearStart 22KZ    15        ClearStart 22KZ + MicroMix    15 + 3  

Trial Layout

Experimental Design

 Design:    Commercial Demonstration    Replications:    2    Plot length:    60m    Plot Width:    4m  

Site, Crop and Application Details

Assessment Methods

 Assessment Date:    Assessment    26/07/2017    NDVI    03/08/2017    Tissue test    21/08/2017    NDVI    15/09/2017    Tiller count     20/11/2017    Yield  

Data Analysis

All data analysis in this report was conducted using Microsoft Excel. Simple means, analysis of variance and the student t-test were used to determine statistical significance using the least significant difference method with a 95% confidence interval.


NDVI (4-5 Leaf)

The NDVI indicates that the control treatments are slightly more vigorous. However statistically insignificant (LSD = 0.034) this mimics what we could see early on in the season. For the Clearstart treatments we balanced the N & S with a blend of urea and SOA. Hence the form of Nitrogen may have had an effect on early vigour.

Figure 1: NDVI readings taken with a Trimble handheld green seeker.

Tissue Test

10 plants from each treatment were sent to CSBP for a tissue sample test. The average ClearStart plant weights are slightly lower than the average control plant weights which is in line with the NDVI above. However the Clearstart treatments are showing slightly elevated levels of total N, Cu and Zn.

NDVI (1st Node)

As the crop developed the difference in vigour diminished as can be seen by the varied NDVI results below. The least significant difference is 0.055 meaning that there is no statistical difference between treatments.

Figure 1: NDVI readings taken with a Trimble handheld green seeker.

Tiller Counts

With the staggered germination, as with the early NDVI, it proved difficult to fairly and consistently count the number of tillers in a metre row as there were large patches of nothing. Hence as an alternative we counted the number of tillers on 20 plants per plot. The average seen below is of 40 plants per treatment. Although the Clearstart treatments didn’t show a visual or quantitative (NDVI) gain in biomass, it seems to have produced on average a 0.5 of an extra tiller per plant. However this statistically insignificant. (LSD = 0.66).

Figure 1: The average number of tillers per plant.


The harvested yield showed no statistically significant difference with an LSD of 474kg. Relatively impressive considering the Clearstart treatments received 1/3 the amount of P. The aim of this trial was to prove the efficiency of Clearstart however the AgroAdvantage trial site has high P soils and hence Clearstart will be accused of mining the soil. In 2018 we aim to place a similar trial in soils that we know are P deficient.

Figure 1: Simple mean of the harvest yield (+ standard error)


The protein levels in the Clearstart treatments show a slight numerical albiet statistically non-significant improvement of about 0.2%.

Figure 1: Simple mean of protein per treatment (+standard error)


Early on in the season the Clearstart treated plants lookedslightly smaller than the controls. However the plants on average produced 0.5of an extra tiller. It has been reported that a plant that has access tosufficient available phosphorous early on tends to form a more balancedarchitecture, focusing its energy on a more substantial root system. Plantspulled in the treated plots seemed to have a thicker more fibrous root systemcompared to the control (See appendix)

There was no significant difference in yield or protein andthe Clearstart treatments (3.3 units P) yielded as much as the Controls. (12units P) It will be argued that by using Clearstart the soil will be mined.However a long term phosphorous response trial has been running for 3 years onsome forest gravels in Kojonup. (Run by Farmanco) The trial has shown thatClearStart at 1.5 & 3 units of P is as good as (yield) 6 units of TSP andhas not mined the soil. Consistent with research Stoller have under taken.

We will run a similar trial on high PBI soils in 2018. Anyone keen to have Clearstart trialled on their farm get in contact with the AgroAdvantage team.



Figure 4: Rainfall data for Dumbleyung between Sowing and Harvest


Nigel Shaw, the Stoller territory manager played with theidea of treating wheat seed with ClearStart for use on paddocks that did notproduce a crop in 2017. It would be a way to get the crop up and going quickly,efficiently and cost effectively. However this has never been done before. Weplan to investigate this as an option going forward. The trays treated withClearStart had a 65% increase in germination.

For full quality images and videos please follow the below Dropbox link:

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