Demonstration of Hybrid Vs. OP Canola Varieties

May 26, 2020

The investigation and demonstration of Hybrid Vs. OP TT canola varieties under low, medium and high nitrogen rates.

Dumbleyung, WA, 2018


This trial was established near Dumbleyung on the 22nd of May 2018 in order to promote and demonstrate to the extended David Grays Network the benefits of hybrid vs. open pollinated Canola. To do this we chose a leading hybrid T4510 from BASF and the most commonly grown OP variety Bonito and applied increasing rates of nitrogen. (60N, 120N & 240N) See treatment list below.

From early on inthe season clear differences could be seen in crop vigour and colour with thistrial sparking a lot of interest at the field days. The 120 units of Ntreatments out yielded both the 60N and 240N treatments. T4510 out yieldedBonito at all fertiliser rates with T4510 @ 120N returning $417/Ha over thetraditional Bonito @ 60N.


Treatment List

Experimental Design

Site, Crop and Application Details

Assessment Methods

Data Analysis

All data analysis in this report was conducted using Microsoft Excel. Simple means, analysis of variance and the student t-test were used to determine statistical significance using the least significant difference method with a 95% confidence interval.



Figure 1: Average yield Vs. ROI.  

Grain Analysis


Site Rainfall


See below Dropbox link to photos and videos at eachassessment date:

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