Luximax Trial Report

May 26, 2020

Evaluation of new and pipeline herbicides, for the pre-emergent control of Annual Ryegrass in Wheat.

Hines Hill, WA, 2019


A trial site was established in Hines Hill WA on the 30th of April 2019, to demonstrate and evaluate to the extended David Grays network, the efficacy and crop safety of BASF’s Luximax. A new mode of action (MOA) with the active constituent cinmethylin (group Z), for the pre-emergent control of Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) (ARG), when applied pre-emergentin Scepter wheat (Triticum aestivum). The trial was established in acommercial field with a known population of uniform annual ryegrass. Previous trials had raised suspicion of resistant Ryegrass, however; no formal testing had been conducted prior to trial commencement.

Luximax was applied at 500 mL/ha on its own and in combination with TriflurX at 2L/ha. Overwatch was applied at 1.2L/ha stand alone and with TriflurX at 2L/ha. Common pre-emergent herbicides were included standalone in in tank mix to compare and contrast to new products. All products were applied using a spray volume of 100L/ha and incorporated by sowing. Crop safety was assessed for all treatments.

The top performing treatments at assessment dates 63, 84, 91 & 133 DAS were Sakura stand alone and with TriflurX, Luximax stand alone and Avadex Xtra + Sakura. All consistently had control levels above 75%, with last assessments at 133 DAS indicating Sakura, Luximax and Avadex Xtra + Sakura as having controls of 94.5%, 85% and 97% respectively.

Assessment dates 84 and 91 showed crop phytotoxicity of 7.5% leaf area for Luximax + TriflurX. With no crop damage seen in either Luximax and TriflurX standalone treatments, it is unknown what caused the crop damage or if it was external factors.

The highest yield was seen in plots treated with Luximax + TriflurX, at 175.8kg/ha. Closely followed by Luximax and Avadex Xtra + TriflurX, 165.2kg/ha, 165.2kg/ha respectively. It should be noted that due to the lower than average rainfall and late start to the season, yields were lesser than previous years. With water being a limiting factor and this only being a demonstration, we cannot draw significant difference, nor conclusive evidence as to which product performed the best.



  1. Evaluate efficacy of annual ryegrass control, and subsequent crop effects of emerging chemistry, compared to existing products.
  2. Compare efficacy of Luximax with and without various tank mix partners.
  3. Compare crop safety to all treatments.



Figure 1. Average percentage (%) ARG weed control
Figure 2. Percentage of leaf area affected by phytotoxicity, at each assessment date.
Figure 3. Percentage of crop vigour, relative to the untreated control = 100.
Figure 4. Average yield data per treatment, expressed as kg/ha. Return on investment calculated as input/output.


All treatments applied IBS achieved an acceptable level of annual ryegrass control. The top performing treatments at assessment dates 63, 84, 91 & 133 DAS were Sakura stand alone and with TriflurX, Luximax stand alone and Avadex + Sakura. All consistently had control levels above 75%, with last assessments at 133 DAS indicating Sakura, Luximax and Avadex + Sakura as having controls of 94.5%, 85% and 97% respectively.

Overall Luximax remained in the top performers above 80% control across all assessment dates, demonstrating its efficacy as a pre-emergent option and MOA.

Assessment dates 84 and 91 showed cropphyto toxicity of 7.5% leaf area for Luximax + TriflurX. With no crop damage seen in either Luximax and TriflurX standalone treatments, it is unknown what caused the crop damage or if it was external factors.

Vigour was reduced in treatments containing Luximax and TriflurX by approximately 20% at 84 and 91 days, however; by the last assessment and the quick ripening off of the crops Luximax treatments both standalone and in combination had improved vigour responses compared to the control by approximately 10-20%.

The highest yield was seen in plots treated with Luximax + TriflurX, at 683.1kg/ha. Closely followed by Luximax and Avadex2.5 + TriflurX 2, 655.7kg/ha, 655.7kg/ha respectively. It should be noted that due to the lower than average rainfall and late start to the season, yields were lesser than previous years. With water being a limiting factor and this only being a demonstration, we cannot draw significant difference, nor conclusive evidence as to which product performed the best.

Although Luximax’s unique mode of action offers producers more options for ARG control whilst assisting chemical rotation. With up to 16 weeks of active residual control, Luximax is a viable option on par with industry standards such as Sakura and Avadex Xtra.


77 DAS

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