Topnotch Trial Report

May 26, 2020

To demonstrate and evaluate to the extended David Grays Aglink network, the efficacy of ADAMA’S foliar fungal Topnotch in barley.

Dumbleyung, WA, 2019


A trial was established on the 30th of May 2019, to demonstrate to the extended David Grays network, the efficacy of ADAMAs foliar fungal Topnotch. Foliar applications were applied on the 30th of July at Zadok growth stage Z32.

The trial was sown into infested stubble, with a three-year history of barley and known instance of net blotch, net-type net blotch - caused by the fungus Pyrenophora teres f. teres and spot type net blotch - caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata. Foliar applications were applied on the 30th of July at Zadok growth stage Z32.

Overall foliar applications applied at Zadok growth stage Z32, with two nodes present, decreased the level of infection across all treatments compared to the untreated control.

42 DAT indicated Topnotch as having the lowest average leaf area infection on the flag leaf (1.83%), this figure was in line with industry standard Opera. Flag leaf-1 and-2 had percentage infection ratings of 5.6% and 31.16% respectively. Assessments at 63 DAT, saw canopy infections of 50%, 26.6% and 26.6% for the bottom, middle and upper levels respectively. Topnotch top canopy achieved a 10% decline in infection compared to the control. There was no significant difference evident between treatments with P>0.05.

NDVI measures the state and health of crops. In this trial, no significant difference was detected between treatment (P>0.05), although there were numerical differences. Some treatments showed strong correlation between disease presence and green leaf, whereby lower disease instance increased green leaf area readings. Opera had the highest reading of 0.5, closely followed by Prosaro and Topnotch with 0.4 (refer to figure 3).

Topnotch yielded 4.25t/ha with an average ROI of $63.3/ha over the control. In a commercial setting grower would be advised to include a double spray strategy, with known disease pressure. In this case the first spray should not be the same as the second, thus a spray program with Prosaro upfront and Topnotch to follow would work well as a resistance management strategy.



1. Evaluate efficacy of ADAMAs fungal treatment Topnotch, against existing products on the market. Targeting Net Form and Spot Form Net Blotch, therefore increase yield potential (green leaf area).



Figure 1. Average leaf area infected for the top three leaves for each treatment at 42 DAT, expressed as percentage (%).
Figure 2. Average disease severity for each canopy layer – lower, middle and upper, 63 DAT. Average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) readings taken, as a measure of the green leaf area/plot.  
Figure 4. Average yields per treatment, with subsequent return on investment (ROI), calculated using the input/output costs, bar the variable, fixed and operating costs.

Table 1. CBH receival screenings  


Disease present in the trial was, net blotch, net-type net blotch - caused by the fungus Pyrenophora teres f. teres and spot type netblotch - caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata. 

Overall foliar applications applied at GS 32 decreased the level of infection across all treatments compared to the untreated control.

42 DAT indicated Topnotch as having the lowest average leaf area infection on the flag leaf (1.83%), this figure was in line with industry standard Opera. Flag leaf-1 and-2 had percentage infection ratings of 5.6% and 31.16% respectively.

Assessments at 63 DAT, saw canopy infections of 50%, 26.6% and 26.6% for the bottom, middle and upper levels respectively.  

GreenSeeker™ handheld device was used to derive NDVI readings per plot. It is an active spectral radiometer that generates light centred at two wavelength bands. There are three bands (red, green and near-infrared (NIR)) available for use in pairs. NDVI measures the state and health of crops. In this trial, no significant difference was detected between treatment (P>0.05), although there were numerical differences. Some treatments showed strong correlation between disease presence and green leaf, whereby lower disease instance increased green leaf area readings. Opera had the highest reading of 0.5, closely followed by Prosaro and Topnotch with 0.4 (refer to figure 3).

Topnotch yielded 4.25t/ha with an average ROI of $63.3/ha over the control. In a commercial setting grower would be advised to include a double spray strategy, with known disease pressure. In this case the first spray should not be the same as the second, thus a spray program with Prosaro upfront and Topnotch to follow would work well as a resistance management strategy.


Pre-spray 2 weeks prior to application

42 DAT

Left to right:  Control, Topnotch, Radial, Amistar Xtra, CODE,  Aviator Xpro, Opera, Prosaro, Tazer Xpert, CODE. 

63 DAT Canopy assessment

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